Occupational Therapy Leaflets on Tips & Strategies

Since the start of the COVID pandemic and with restrictions in place, the Occupational Therapy team had to think differently about the best to deliver their service to people in their own homes. The team developed a webpage with links to useful resources, tips and strategies which can be used by service users and staff. These are very practical suggestions that can assist a person to continue engage in meaningful activities and live safely and independently in their own home.

Full list of leaflets available:

  • Checklist for choosing a supportive armchair
  • Falls Prevention
  • Buying and installing grab rails
  • Tips to help your memory
  • Fatigue Management
  • Mindfulness
  • Occupation & Wellness
  • Pain Management

Check out the link to the OT webpage https://www.hse.ie/corkkerry/ot-for-adults/

The information leaflets can be found under:


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