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Information Talk with Philip O’Callaghan

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Are you making a resolution in the new year? More than half of all resolutions fail, but this year, they don’t have to be yours. Here’s how to identify the right resolution to improve your life, create a plan on how to reach it, and become part of the small group of people that successfully achieve their goal. Philip O’Callaghan, an Employee Assistance Officer, has kindly offered to advise our members on making life changes.

  • This group activity is open to members of Cork Stroke Support.
  • Pre-booking is essential as places are limited. Book your place by phoning 021 2427599, text 0873569555 or email admin@corkstrokesupport.ie
  • All group activities are subsidised by Cork Stroke Support. We are asking for a €3 donation from all participants to help us provide refreshments.
  • Please do not attend the centre if you have symptoms of Covid 19.


January 27, 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Cork Stroke Support Centre
3B Oak House, Riverview Business Park, Bessboro Road, Blackrock
Cork, T12 A9YX Ireland
+ Google Map


Cork Stroke Support